Thursday 5 June 2014

Being thankful

So much has happened and changed this year…
This time last year I was very unhappy, I was worried about going to university, being with strangers and not making any friends. And the friends I did have leaving me, worrying I’d lose contact, worried of being alone. But it hasn’t, I’m not alone and I’m happy...
I’ve finished my first year of university and passed it! (Wooo!) Never thought that would happen.
I’m on a fantastic course at University, finally doing and learning what I want and enjoy.
I plan to get my degree and become the historian I have always wanted to be.
I’ve said goodbye to old friends, but I’ve met new people and made new friends, great friends in fact! Friends i would never have made without taking this leap.
I took a big step and got my first job, (only part time) Its helping me with my confidence, people skills and independence.
Travel, I’m lucky enough going abroad in the summer for the first time, twice in fact. I’m going Holland and France!
I’m gaining more confidence, I’ve learnt to say no and speak my mind more often, expressing when I’m unhappy. Giving my opinion and being more open with people.
I’m more comfortable with my style and how I dress. I’m finally comfortable in my own skin, with my weight, the way I look and feel.  I’m not so afraid of how others see me or judge me. I just don’t care anymore, but in a good way, I’ve found things are more important to me now.
I’m not saying I’m 100% happy with how I look or that i'm perfect but I’m getting there.
This year has been a big change for me, and my future is only just beginning, I’m excited to see what happens. I’m finally a grown woman, an adult! As scary as it is I’m leading a life I want.

So I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has made this year wonderful.
I love you all. 

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